Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Season for Life Changes...

Countdown to the New Year...T minus 31 days...! 2010 is almost over...Christmas is almost upon us...

Of course, I need not to remind you. haha

The holiday season...what do you think of?

Quite possibly Christmas trees, shopping, snow, turkeys, music...

I think about love and compassion. What better way to think positively this holiday season than with a happy, cheerful heart when you think about what this season really means? We are entering a new decade with 2011, and with the country's economic crisis and things gone array, we must sit and count the blessings we have received, and provide for others in their time of need as well. Needs rise...soon even you (who may be blessed in abundance) may fall, but always remember this: you reap what you sow.

Why am I writing about this? Well, I want to share a story with you. Even though this man has written a book reviewed with good ratings from the New York Times (Breakfast at Sally's), he lives in my town with meager provisions...better than before, but still not the same. His name is Richard LeMieux. He wrote an amazing story about being homeless in a neighboring city of Seattle...one with hardships, engulfing your mind with what it means to be a voiceless citizen, a broken spirit amongst many other lost souls, and struggling to get by each and every hour on the streets of a tired town. I wish I could rewrite his book on my blog for you all to read, but there would be some copyright issues with that... ;-)

This man used to be wealthy...he had cars, boats, expensive vacations...you name it. When his business failed, he lost everything, including his family and home. All that was left were some of his clothing, a beat up van, and his precious best friend, Willow, a friendly dog. He explains the political side of being homeless, the sorrows, the accusations, the stigmas...but in the end, he found himself and he is wealthier now because of his endurance. His riches may not be here on earth, but they are most definitely awaiting him with God! This man's journey to salvation was a hard road, but it is an amazing story. I cried several times reading it...it amazes me just how humble we become when put in desperate measures.

I strongly believe that God will take us from our homes, our luxurious lives and bring us to a place where we never believed we would be...but so will the enemy. Make something good happen everywhere you are, and have faith where ever you are in your life because God is always with you. "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" – Matthew 6:22-23 (NIV). What I understand this verse to mean is that if you look for the bad in everything, then all you see is darkness. However, if you train your mind to look for the good, then you will see light, and, therefore, God is with you. What LeMieux wrote about was the passage he took to be saved...eternally saved. His heart is with God now, whereas before, he claimed to never have believed in God. He found the light in it all.

This book opened my heart even more. I know what my purpose in this life is...and this book just reminds me on a daily basis...of what I'm thankful for, what I cherish, and who I live for. It's a must-read. Share this book with your friends to open your hearts. This book will change your life, if you open your heart to it. I promise...

Let us all be the light in the world...regardless of our circumstances because you never know if you will be called to a place where you're not comfortable...you're not the same. You never know where God wants you to be, so be thankful always and shine your love everywhere!

Brightly shining love, peace, and light your way,


Monday, November 22, 2010

"Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful"

It's snowing outside! The first snowfall of the year...so magical. I don't like it when it snows for the most part because while it is super pretty, it isn't a practical thing. I'm all about practicality. Snow isn't practical...haha.
Not my own picture, but borrowed. =)

Yesterday (Sunday) I went to church as usual and directed the camera crew during the service...much fun, and the first time I've ever done it by myself. Woohoo! After service, we had our Thanksgiving Banquet Potluck...there were about 150-200 people there and it was so much fun. When asked what I am thankful for this season, I've got to say that I am so very grateful for my church family. Each person there is wonderful and I care so much for each and every one of them! Just as we were beginning to wrap up the feast, it began to snow...very lightly...not sticking, but snowing just the same. I recorded a few clips. It snowed for the rest of the day...mostly not sticking, but I felt like it was a magical way to end such a splendid Sunday. I love spending time with my family and friends. My church is my extended family, but I consider the members to be so much closer to me than my real family. I spend more time with them and each person is so special. My heart is full of joy whenever I think about them...I know I belong--don't have to fight hard to fit in...I can be myself. I don't feel condemnation nor judgment, hostility or a false spirit. Our church has the fire--the passion inside--the warmth and the kindness to be my family, and that is all I could ever need. So when the weather is so frightful (life is being rough), the fire is delightful (inside the House of the Lord...I delight in Him) and since I've got no where else to go, Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...I have shelter and refuge. Bring it on! haha

Lots of hot chocolate and a warm fire,


Friday, November 12, 2010

Amazing Praise!

This is how I spend my praising moments at church! Loving on God and being in His deep love! I captured a couple videos, but was trying so hard not to dance too much or sing too loudly. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Enemy? Not me!

Today I realized just how much that enemy is stealing from us...lives around us of the people we love, to finding ways to interrupt our paths for God. We cannot let him win. He is a loser and he knows it! He tries in so many ways to break us down...in spirit, in body, in heart, and in mind. He has attacked my mind ever since I was a little girl, but it took me so very long to recognize him. Those thoughts that I thought belonged to me were lies from the enemy. He continues to attack me through depression and anxiety...But I now know that there is a greater power that can overcome that. He is eternal love. His name is Jesus, and His spirit lives on in me. I can conquer anything because He said I can. He gave us that power. So whenever you feel that you cannot make it through, remember that love is the strongest weapon you have. God's love sanctifies all of us. We live in Him, and He in us...no one and nothing can desytroy Him. Let Him shelter you when it is raining; let Him carry you when you are weak; let Him be the image you see in the mirror. You are worthy to be loved and are loved. If you are reading this and I do not know you in person, know that someone always thinking of you, hoping for you, praying for you...Jesus saves and I love you because of Him. He is in you...just look for Him in everything, and you will find Him. He is not hidden. The enemy wants you to think that. Do not let Satan steal your joy!

You are an overcomer. If I can get through each and every day, you can too! One love...one life. We are the one life that changes others. You make a difference. Instill that into your mind, into your heart.

I hope that where ever you are in your day, you feel warmth and peace. Deep peace.

Deep peace and love,


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hi Hi!!!

I haven't posted anything for a little while, and for that I apologize! Since my computer is running again, and I have my camera and everything is hunky dory concerning my video content, I've been neglecting to write...which is not okay, as I've got this series I'm writing! ha ha

So, for now, I'm going to quickly write to update you all that I had entered a contest on Michelle Phan's YouTube channel...I didn't win, but boy, I totally didn't anticipate the views I'd get either! Right now, I get normally about 20-30 views per video...and that's really good! I expected about 70-90 on the La La Lizard video response, but instead, I got...

*drum roll please...*

As of 10:19pm, this evening, I have 1,408 views spanning worldwide...!

Crazy! I sure feel like a winner on this though!

I am now going to be entering a contest through Danalajeuness's YouTube channel where I must select a Vogue Magazine cover and replicate the look, not using any special accessories or prostetics. The prizes are amazing too! I am looking forward to this contest as they are super fun! Not to mention I get more views...and that's the real prize!

So wish me luck!

I will blog again real soon--I promise! Pinkie promise! =}

Don't forget, your attitude makes you a winner, not what you place in the race! And the real winners are those who are Spiritually healthy!

I hope you all have a super fantastic day!

Take care!

Your winner,

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