It is my beauty consultation business. What does it mean? 'Bellezza' is an Italian word which means 'beauty' and the focus of my business is on just that--beauty. Beauty doesn't come from exterior or shallow means...Yes, I do provide makeup services, but the hope in providing these services is to help other women [and men too] to feel beautiful with or without makeup. We are all unique and we are all created to be unique. We shouldn't be afraid to show that inner beauty and confidence. The reason my mission statement is "Be confident. Be bold. Be electric." is to say, "Hey, let your inner self shine and be an amazing electric light." I believe that each person is beautiful and it isn't up to the rest of the world to define beauty as an exterior/shallow outline. No. There are no cookie cutter shapes and models that we should fit. We should be the boldest and most electric way. If a little mascara and foundation help you feel that way, then that is an amazing feat! =)
the following is under construction for now as of 04/29/11
(there will be more links and such coming in the future!)