She started out very little, as she was borne of a seed, planted by God. Because He is the most amazing gardener I know, and has the wisest advice, it is such an amazing and grand honor take counsel with Him. As THE Gardener of our lives--our hearts, He can sow seeds that grow stupendously if we allow them. As I spoke passionately about in the last entry to the Living, Laughing Loving series (link to the outline), the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit in regards to God being our gardener. If you click this link, you'll learn more about the Amazing Gardener He is...You see, He forsaw what Faith's purpose in this life would be and, therefore, was able to plant little seeds in everyone's hearts, bringing her into this world as a wonderful gift.
So...who is this Faith and where is she?
Well...she lives in your heart, in your spirit. She is all that you know, yet do not see...
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"(Heb.11:1).
Faith is something that gets you through the tough times. She caresses your spirit with trust and gentleness that rejuvenates your spirit. She is a nurse. God may be the doctor, but he sent Faith to be YOUR nurse to nurture you and grow you in Him. She is there with you during the worst of times (when you allow) and she's there during the best of times. How kind is that?!
Well, she also has a sister whose name is Fear. Fear doesn't have the same father, but yet, she starts out so very small--a seed, planted into our hearts. Over time she, too, can flourish and become a thriving plant--but at a cost. Her creator is the enemy...the devil, Satan--the world (which is ruled by the enemy) or any other characterized name you would like to give his evil. He attempts to plant Fear into our hearts knowing that the sibling rivalry between Faith and Fear is overwhelming for us. And, because the heart is a deceiver through emotion (Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?") (read my entry HERE to understand why the heart deceives), it will tend to react upon those emotions--Fear--and you can feel anxious and fearful.
Instead of a gentle nurse, you receive a constant nagging shadow that follows you everywhere, trying to bring harm to you, deceiving you and bringing the words to you that will want you to back down and step back from receiving your miracles.
So. Ask God for Faith and to rid your heart of Fear. If you did read my last entry to this series, you'll have equipped yourself with the know-how to rid your entire LIFE of anxiety and Fear. So, what are you waiting for?
We all need a little Faith. Let's go plant some seeds...let us rejoice in the spring as we know we will reap a harvest of fruitful and bountiful plants at a later time. As you see those seeds transform in God's majestic way into beautiful flowers and fruits, you cannot help but realize that the seeds get bigger and bigger over time, and your heart becomes accustomed to Faith, hardly recognizing Fear anymore as a frequent visitor. She'll come knocking, but you won't hear it.
I hope this has brought a little cheer to your day and that you are receiving seeds of joy, Faith, and love.
May you all have a beautifully bright day, filled with hypo-allergenic flowers (if you are a hay fever sufferer)... ;-)
Spring flowers and sunny skies,
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