Monday, April 11, 2011

Amazing News!

I am so very excited, my dear blogger friends! I thought I would look through my page stats and see who's viewing my blog and I almost peed my pants! Seriously! I was so ecstatic! hehe

First of all, I wanted to give a huge THANK YOU to all of you who read my blog. Even if you don't "FOLLOW" me (ahem, I totally would appreciate it though... ;-P) I find it so amazing that words that come straight from my heart and spirit are reaching people in places like Slovenia, Russia, Luxembourg, Sri Lanka, Germany, Iran, UAE...etc. etc. I am just so amazed at how these words, once posted, live in cyber space and somehow people around this whole world stumble upon them.

It is with the purest of all intentions that my words can touch your hearts and bring you encouragement. I try to write whenever I can, but sometimes my day-to-day life gets a little hectic and it is hard to do so, but regardless, if you find a nugget of truth, encouragement, a little joy...from my words (really from my heart) then I know that the overall purpose of this blog is being fulfilled. I am so overjoyed with that news! 

In the upcoming few months, I am going to be making some changes to this blog to make it a little easier to navigate. I hope to organize my blog feeds into categories so that they are more easily accessible, especially for those of you who have been directed here from my YouTube, looking for product information, etc. So stay tuned for that! Eventually I will also have a single url of (This link is NOT valid yet) to make it simple without all the Blogspot stuff being in the way. So yay for new changes and new goals!

Again, thank you so much for reading! Just knowing that somewhere out there a seed of encouragement, if nothing else, has been planted in someone's heart, is enough to keep me encouraged to write as much as I can.

I love you guys and hope that where ever you are in your day that you are joyful and feeling loved!

Your Emmy.

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