Friday, October 15, 2010

Journal 15...from exactly five years ago!

Today I went to my storage unit, digging for my extra CD-roms so I can use them to back up some of my video files, when I found a little box of floppy A discs (right, who uses them anymore?!) I thought to myself, "I wonder what's in all of these discs!" So I took them and am now opening them one by one, digging up buried treasures of my old writings, pictures, etc. I found a disc from my first quarter in college--all essays, except one. It's so amazing how much I've improved in my writing skills, but at the same time, I still have the same, strong voice that comes through in my writing. I want to share a poem I wrote in reflection of a news article written in 2005 regarding women in third world countries, and how they're easily forsaken and taken advantage of...

 I was 16-years-old and much in love with the political side of writing.

October 12, 2005
Journal 15

Destruction of life

Ruination of societies
Impoverished nations, self-imposed
By deprivation of nutrition,
Of monetary needs, aid;
Inhumane circumstances,
Disturbing the execution of peace,
Of better lands, of social mobility.

The mothers dying,
In pain and crying,
Echo through the nations,
And they are in station
Of disease and poverty
The pleas are entirely,
Completely and disturbingly
Preventing my peace tonight!

Viruses spreading
Through the life-liquid
And thoughts are nonexistent
Laws prohibiting of feminine
Desires and justices,
Lives, liberties, and peace
Violent, “purposeful” impositions,
Bitter sipping of wine,
Stealing away the life of women.

The mothers dying,
In pain and crying,
Echo through the nations,
And they are in station
Of disease and poverty
The pleas are entirely,
Completely and disturbingly
Preventing my peace tonight!

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